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Dr. Clark,
Thank you for stating the consequence of the condition in our (the body of Christ) hearts – we ‘worship’ God as we see fit. I need to learn how I am to worship God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in His Inaugurated Kingdom as His child, in His Body.
Is the problem in ‘the Body of Christ’ we hear mostly sound theology, but sing words that contradict Confessional Reformed Theology?
I am beginning my study in Chapter 7, ‘Recovering the Reformed Worship’.
I am praying God’s Spirit will open the eyes of our hearts to see how we individually and as a body refuse to worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit for His Grace and Mercy to us in His Inaugurated Kingdom. I pray His Spirit sanctifies us, we repent and learn to worship God according to His Will by His Spirit.
Thank you for posting Chris Gordon’s interview of Bob Godfrey – How does God want His people to worship Him?
How do we, as God’s children who believe ‘in Christ Alone by Grace Alone through Faith Alone’, support leaders and people in a local congregation who ‘are accustomed to singing hymns and songs by Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, great awakening writers’ move toward the Regulative Principle in worship?
The Reformation of worship is one of the most difficult things that a church will ever do. Music is very close to the heart and people love what they know and they know what they love. For many Christians, singing is worship.
1. It took us a long time to get here. It will take us a long time to reform.
2. People need to know the regulative principle (rule of worship). Most laity don’t know it and more than a few ministers can’t tell the difference between the normative principle and the regulative principle.
3. The people have to decide that they would rather worship God the way he has revealed himself than the way that they like. Truth is: most ministers/consistories/sessions conduct worship as they do because the people want/demand it. When the people decide that they want a service controlled by the RPW, they will get it.
4. Prayer. It will only happen when hearts and minds are changed and that is the work of the Spirit through the Word.