Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

In the most recent attack on free speech at its law school, a mob of students—egged on by Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach—shouted down Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan who had been invited to speak by the Stanford chapter of the Federalist Society.

If we are ever to combat such mob rule, we must first try to analyze exactly what it represents, beyond its appalling spectacle. It illustrates how political censorship and demonization are standard political tools used to socially isolate people. Tyrants have always strived for such isolation to establish regimes of ironclad social control. Understanding this pattern is key for successful pushback.

Every American should take note of the Stanford incident. The mob rule displayed there is a small sample of what everyone will experience if we do not push back hard against mounting assaults on free speech.

…The psychotic mob grew as hundreds of activists quickly mobilized to punish Martinez by lining the hallways outside her classroom. The 10 or so students (out of some 60) in Martinez’s class who did not join the mob were also harassed by the masked protesters all clad in Antifa-black. Such folks are the sort to whom Stanford’s administrators suggested the school’s Federalist Society should “reach out.”

…Gag orders against any form of real conversation have accelerated at American colleges at least since 1987 when Jesse Jackson led a mob through Stanford’s campus chanting “Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Western Civ has got to go!”

And what aspect of the canon of Western Civilization do you think most bothered the academic mafia behind that attack? They may have raised concerns about too many “dead white males” in Western literature or about the possibility of finding bigotry and the acceptance of slavery in those writings. But they were rallying primarily against inquiry itself.

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Stella Morabito | “Stanford Mob Shows How Speech Restrictions Reinforce Social Isolation” | March 27, 2023


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