Warranted Faith Is Not Blind Faith

But someone might say, “Does that mean we just have blind faith?” Blind faith is when you’re told to trust someone on something when you have no basis for trusting them. Let’s say I meet a stranger on the street and he tells me, “I have a deal for you. I’m going to sell you a certain bridge for $200 and then you can put a toll booth on it and make millions.” If I believe that stranger and give him my $200, that’s blind faith. When we talk about the mysteries of Christianity, we’re not talking about blind faith.

Instead, we’re talking about what’s called “warranted faith.” There’s a basis for trusting what God says. If he’s revealed so much about himself in the Bible that you know what he’s like, then you know you can trust him on the things he holds back. Your warrant for faith is that you know him personally. God isn’t a stranger on the street trying to sell you a bridge. He’s your Father. You’re not blind to who he is or what he’s done. He’s revealed himself to you in the Bible.

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Wes Bredenhof | “Blind Faith In The Hypostatic Union?” | December 13, 2022


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One comment

  1. Dr. Clark,
    Very helpful article by Pastor Wes Bredenhof, who frames his assessment of modern authors’ theology, piety, and practice in the light of God’s revelation in the OT & NT Scripture and in the doctrines of the Belgic Confessions.

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