In October 2021, the Heidelberg Reformation Association was established and in January, 2022 we were recognized as an organization in California. We established a board of directors, some of whom you have met as contributors to the HB. Since then we have begun publishing at least three things six days a week: a thoughtful article or review, a quotation worthy of your attention, and some sort of audio. For example, in that time we have recorded and released the entire Heidelberg Catechism and we are currently recording and releasing an audio version of the Belgic Confession. We also produce and release a full episode of the Heidelcast weekly. As an organization we are committed to helping to establish and strengthen confessional Reformed churches. Thus, you read regularly about the work of the church and we work diligently to direct seekers to confessionally Reformed congregations.
To achieve our goal of bringing you more confessional Reformed content, early in 2022 we hired a small group of part-time employees, an editor, an administrative assistant, an audio editor, a social media director, and a business director. Some of our staff wear more than one hat. Our webmaster works on a volunteer basis to maintain and improve the site. All our staff go above and beyond the call of duty (e.g., helping to put on the conference with Rosaria Butterfield in 22 days). To fulfill our mission we have also added considerably to our roster of contributors, who have brought to the HB (if we may say so) a remarkable array of outstanding articles and reviews.
Our mission has not changed. We remain committed to recovering the Reformed confession, i.e., it theology, piety, and practice. If anything, this past year has only increased our sense of the need and importance of this mission but we need your help. We have a small cadre of loyal supporters for whom we give thanks to the Lord. Without their help we would not be able to bring you all of this new and exciting content. Nevertheless, thousands of HB readers and Heidelcast listeners visit this site daily from across the globe who have yet to support the work on a regular basis. If you benefit from the work of the HRA—perhaps you became Reformed through reading the HB or listening to the Heidelcast? Perhaps through the HB you found a confessional Reformed congregation or your congregation received new members through the work of the HRA?—would you consider supporting us?
- First, pray for us. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it” (Ps 127:1a; NASB).
- Second, we also would like you to consider supporting the HRA financially so that we can continue to bring you outstanding, confessionally Reformed content.
There are two ways to do this. The easiest way to to make the “coffer clink” (as they say on the Heidelcast) is to use the PayPal donation button at the bottom of every post and on the HB homepage. Of course, in this transaction PayPal takes a percentage of your donation. If you mail a check directly to the HRA at:
Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway #391
Escondido CA 92027
100% of your donation goes to support the work of the HRA. We are a small work with a small overhead. We are pursuing non-profit status but, as you may know, that has become a long and difficult process in recent years. We are also investigating alternatives to PayPal.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Ps. With your help we could even expand. Imagine what we could do with office space where we could install a dedicated recording studio, where we could expand our staffing to answer your questions from a consistently confessional Reformed perspective. Imagine what we could do had we staff to edit podcasts and even videocasts daily. Imagine the effect were we able to create sites and hire translators to publish HRA content in other languages? Imagine the sort of publishing we could do had we the resources. There are multiple books, in draft form, on the HB right now. Think about the content we could produce in print had we the staff and resources to harvest, edit, and publish them. What about a journal dedicated to the practice (we’re talkin’ about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, we’re talking about practice) of confessional Reformed ministry? Things are things about which we hope you will pray and consider supporting.
- How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia
- The Heidelblog Resource Page
- Heidelmedia Resources
- The Ecumenical Creeds
- The Reformed Confessions
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008)
- Why I Am A Christian
- Support Heidelmedia: use the donate button
There is a conservative alternative to PayPal. You will have to investigate whether it is something you want to use. They were banned from Paypal so they started their own.
This explains what they are trying to do.
Dr. Clark,
Thank you for reaching out. I have been meaning to donate for quite a while now and this was the incentive I needed.
Thank you for remaining “committed to recovering the Reformed confession, i.e., it theology, piety, and practice.”