Ursinus Against The Antinomians, Libertines, And Similar Fanatics Who Deny That The Decalogue Is For Teaching in the Christian Church (Objection 6)

Obj. 6. Christians are not governed by the law, but by the Spirit of regeneration, according as it is said, “The law is not made for a righteous man.” (1 Tim. 1:9.) Therefore, the law ought not to be taught among Christians. Ans. Christians are, indeed, not governed by the law; or in other words, they are not constrained and driven to such a course of conduct as is right and becoming by the law, and by fear of punishment as the ungodly are; yet they are, nevertheless, ruled in this sense by the law, that it teaches them what worship is pleasing to God; and the Holy Ghost, likewise, uses the doctrine of the law, for the purpose of inclining them to true and cheerful obedience. The doctrine, therefore, that we are bound to give obedience to the law remains, although there is no condemnation or constraint, as far as Christians are concerned. For to this we are bound, that our obedience be most free and cheerful. We are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh, but to the Spirit. The law is not given for a righteous man, that is, to constrain and bind him. (Rom. 8:12. 1 Tim. 1:9.)
Zacharias Ursinus | Commentary of Dr Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg Catechism, trans. George W. Williard (Cincinnati: Elm Street Printing Company, 1888), 616–18.


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