The Christian Reformed Church, a small evangelical denomination of U.S. and Canadian churches, voted Wednesday (June 15) at its annual synod to codify its opposition to homosexual sex by elevating it to the status of confession, or declaration of faith.
The 123-53 vote at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, caps a process begun in 2016 when a previous synod voted to form a study committee to bring a report on the “biblical theology” of sexuality…
…“The church must warn its members that those who refuse to repent of these sins — as well as of idolatry, greed, and other such sins — will not inherit the kingdom of God,” the report says. “It must discipline those who refuse to repent of such sins for the sake of their souls. Read More»
Yonat Shimron | “Christian Reformed Church codifies homosexual sex as sin in its declaration of faith” | June 15, 2022
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We just did something similar at the PCA General Assembly in Birmingham.
However, we also did something similar at the PCA General Assembly in St. Louis last year and then failed to get 2/3 of the presbyteries to ratify it. Please pray for the Lord to touch the hearts and minds of presbyters this year as they vote on the procedures we passed in Birmingham. It is indeed good to know we serve a sovereign God Who is supreme in the affairs of men.
Tom: Only one overture which seeks to amend the BCO and clearly addresses the problem of homosexual clergy was passed in Birmingham. That was Overture 15 which only passed by a 55%/45% margin. Most realistic observers don’t think it has a chance of being ratified by the presbyteries. Overture 29 which vaguely address the same subject passed by 90%/10%. This is the overture which will likely be ratified but in no way addresses the problem of clergy who have unnatural lusts. The PCA’s church courts have avoided dealing forthrightly with this problem for four years. We in the pews have been told to “be patient”. If Overture 29 is ratified in lieu of Overture 15, the opportunity to address this situation in any meaningful way will have passed because the PCA leadership will then be able to point to Overture 29 and say they “did something”. As conclusive proof that Overture 29 is ineffective at best, Greg Johnson said from the floor of the G/A that he could support Overture 29.