You Say You Want A Reformation? October 11–12, 2019 In Boston

The late Reformation era slogan semper Reformanda has been often abused. It is often taken to mean that we need to get rid of basic Reformation convictions, e.g., sola Scriptura, the doctrine that Holy Scripture is sufficient for Christian faith and practice. What it was originally intended  to signify is that we are always in danger of losing the Reformation. History shows this is true. The Protestant doctrine of justification was resisted by some within the movement almost as soon as it was articulated. Like clockwork someone regularly suggested that we make works more than fruit and evidence of our justification (or they suggested that, since salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, the moral law of God was irrelevant to the Christian). We are still facing these challenges today as leading evangelicals tell us that our so-called “final justification” is partly through good works and others repeat the errors of the antinomians. So, we need to keep learning and re-learning the Reformation truths. Lord permitting I am to be speaking at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boyleston, MA on some of the essential Reformation truths preserved and articulated in the Reformed confession and about some of the challenges we face in recovering them today.  The congregation is located at 307 Lancaster Street, in West Boylston, MA. Directions here. You can Register here. See you in Boston!


Friday—Sessions 1 & 2 October 11, 2019 (7:00 PM–9:00 PM)
7–8pm—Session one: Law, Gospel and “Glawspel.” Becoming a Master Theologian
8–9pm—Session two: Q and A

Saturday October 12, 2019 Sessions 3, 4, 5 (9:00 am–12:00 pm)
9–10am—Session three: The Quest for Illegitimate Religious Experience
10–11am—Session four: Biblicism, Sola Scriptura, and Confessionalism
11–Noon—Session five: Sola Fide and its Modern Detractors

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

    More by R. Scott Clark ›

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  1. What’s it take to get you to come to Seattle? Mariners tickets, Sounders tickets? I can’t get you Seahawks tickets. Come for the coffee, stay for the Mars Hill tumbleweed ghost town tour.

  2. Dr. Clark,

    Unfortunately I am not sure if I will be able to attend these speeches. I am hoping to, but not sure yet. I was wondering if these would be available either video or audio following the weekend. These topics are important and relevant in the church world. And of particular interest is the speech Friday night.

    Thank You!

  3. Dr Clark,
    Do you see a difference of emphasis in the anticiedant/consequent condition conversation based on how one sees the ordo solutis(Bunyan or Perkins)? I’m hoping to gain further clarity in this when it comes to the necessity of assurance and Christ centered preaching. It seems to me that being confused on this leads one to emphasize law for sanctification, and even hedge on assurance, like in the following quotes.

    “I am hard pressed to imagine something more important for our lives than fulfilling the covenant that God has made with us for our final salvation.” ~ John Piper, Future Grace, p 249. 1995 edition.

    This is obvious monocovanentalism, but my more subtle concern is those who claim to be reformed, defend Piper, and use warnings to promote obedience in a different light.

    “On the last day, God will not acquit is because our good works we’re good enough, but he will look for evidence that our good confession was not phony. It’s in this sense that we must be holy. ~ Kevin DeYoung, Hole in our Holiness, Ch 2 screen 10.

    Here are some links that I think might be helpful in your preparation for this conference, responding to the nuance of what these men are saying in their greater context.
    Piper here calls the law gospel distinction artificial, mocks the active obedience of Christ, and misrepresents Christ centered preaching/exhortations.
    Deyoung here is much more confusing (as you have said concerning the FV, “dialectical”). He says good works do not merit but are the means to eternal life and quotes many confessions and reformers to support his points(I think this is where the emphasis of law or gospel and the Perkins and Bunyan conversation are important). I would love to hear your thoughts on all of this, this might be a good Heidelcast episode. If you find time for the links, I think the second is a very good representation of the schism in the reformed world right now.

    Thankyou again Dr. Clark for your defense of the objective work of Christ and for being in line with those before you who want to keep both law and gospel pure.

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