The Top Ten Posts Of 2018 And Happy New Year From the HB

Happy New Year from the Heidelblog. Thanks to the two-hundred ninety-four thousand HB readers in 2018 and to the thousands of you who listened to Abounding Grace Radio, the Heidelcast, and to Office Hours. Together (between the Heidelblog and you downloaded pages and podcasts over 900,000 times. Since 2012 HB 2.0 has had 4.4 million views. I am deeply grateful to those donated (see below) to help keep the HB available. Thank you.

Thanks as always to the Wonderful Wizard of Web, whose remarkable and skillful work keeps the HB functioning. Let the reader understand that the Wizard puts in an amazing number of hours gratis to maintain what has become a large site. Did you know that there are more than 5,700 posts on the HB, in addition to the podcasts and videos, to manage?

The Most Downloaded Posts Of 2018:

  1. Gay Christians?
  2. Baptism and Circumcision According to Colossians 2:11–12
  3. Engaging With 1689 (2): On the Administration Of The Substance of the Covenant of Grace
  4. Why It Is Reasonable Not To Send Your Children To Public School
  5. Covenant Theology and Infant Baptism
  6. Engaging With 1689 (1): A Quick Taxonomy
  7. Why This Reformed Christian Will Not Be Charismatic In 2018
  8. Grammar Guerilla: Comfort v. Comfortability
  9. Covenant Theology Is Not Replacement Theology
  10. How Did Christ Fulfill The Covenant Of Works As The Last Adam?

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
    Author Image

    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

    More by R. Scott Clark ›

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  1. Happy new year Dr Clark and Angela, it’s been nearly a year since I discovered the HB and it’s been a huge blessing, finding out about the unity of the Covenant of Grace, the promise in Genesis 17:7 being repeated in Deuteronomy 30:6, Acts 2:39, etc. Many thanks to both of you.

  2. The Heidelblog has become a huge blessing in my life. Almost everyday you share exciting, thought provoking insights into the theology, piety, history, and practice of our Reformed, confessional faith that I look foreward to. Many thanks, and prayers for blessings to you and your work.

  3. Happy New Year to you too Scott,

    Enjoyed the series on the 1689 radical reformation baptists, I was anticipating
    that there was going to be more posts in the series?, enjoyed finding out more
    about yourself on the Of faith and Football post, haven’t got around to reading
    your Canon of Dort posts as yet, are you considering putting it into print?

  4. Thank you for all your work Dr. Clark. May God bless you in the coming year, and may this means be used by Him for the advancement of His Word.

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