The standard by which saints and sinners are judged will evidently be the revealed will of God. This is not the same for all. Some have been privileged above others, and this naturally adds to their responsibility, Matt 11:21–24; Rom. 2:12–16. This does not mean that there will be different conditions of salvation for different classes of people. For all those who appear in judgment entrance into, or exclusion from heaven, will depend on the question, whether they are clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. But there will be different degrees, both of the bliss of heaven and of the punishment of hell. And these degrees will be determined by what is done in the flesh, Matt. 11:22, 24; Luke 12:47,48; 20:47; Dan. 12:3; II Cor. 9:6. The Gentiles will be judged by the law of nature, inscribed in their hearts, the Israelites of the old dispensation by the Old Testament revelation and by that only, and those who have enjoyed, besides the light of nature and the revelation of the Old Testament, the light of the gospel, will be judged according to the greater light which they have received. God will give to every man his due.
—Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology (originally Reformed Dogmatics), 733–34.
Dr. Clark,
The sentence: “Some have been privilege above authors, and this naturally adds to their responsibility, Matt 11:21–24; Rom. 2:12–16.”
Has a typo: word “authors” should be “others”.
Thank you!
Jack, does Rev. Lee’s sermon explain what Berkof means when he says, “But there will be different degrees … of the bliss of heaven …. And these degrees will be determined by what is done in the flesh”?
David, I think he does. Go listen and decide for yourself. It’s an excellent teaching on sanctification.
Is Berkhof saying that works are the ground or instrument for the reception of heavenly rewards?
I read him to be saying the same thing as WCF 11 quoted earlier.
When the confession says “always accompanied” it does not say instrument or ground. I think we need to learn to be satisfied with “accompanied.”
Brian Lee, pastor of Christ Reformed Church, gave a recent sermon on Article 24 of the Belgic Confession in which he addresses David’s question and other ones concerning the believer’s sanctification. As they say, good stuff…