Our friends at Modern Reformation have had a baby, as it were: Justified: Modern Reformation Essays on Justification. This is a collection of outstanding essays on the doctrine of justification by Mike Horton, R. C. Sproul, Simon Gathercole, David VanDrunen, John Fesko, Ryan Glomsrud, and others. In this volume Mike interacts with both John Piper and N. T. Wright. If you’re looking for a volume to help you get “up to speed” on the discussion and to point you in the right, biblical, direction, this is that volume.
Today and tomorrow the book is on sale at 50% off the $12.95 cover price. Info here (you need to enter a code). Watch the video, see the table of contents, and download the (free!) introduction here.
Thank you, Dr. Clark. It only cost me $10.64 to get Justified! I look forward to learning from this surprisingly affordable experience.