His name is Euan Murray. He plays rugby for Scotland six days a week but not on the Sabbath. “The Sabbath’s not a day for playing rugby.” Well, he didn’t say that but he could have. He did tell the UK Daily Record “”It’s basically all or nothing, following Jesus. I don’t believe in pick ‘n’ mix Christianity. I believe the bible is the word of God, so who am I to ignore something from it? The story says “[d]espite his religious stand, Euan has played for Scotland before on a Sunday – in the 2008 Six Nations against France. But he said turning out on the Sabbath grew increasingly painful.” He says, “I was going against my conscience and it became impossible to enjoy. “I realised it’s quite simple, really. Jesus said, ‘If you love me, keep my commandments’ and there are 10 commandments – not nine.” Read more» (HT: Aquila Report)
Resources on the Sabbath/Lord’s Day
If you wish to know more about the biblical, historic, and confessional Reformed doctrine of the sabbath, see chapter 8 of Recovering the Reformed Confession. There’s a lecture on the Reformed and biblical doctrine of the Sabbath available through The Bookstore at WSC. The lecture was given as part of WSC’s 2007 faculty conference, “The Law of God and the Christian.”
Tebow, Evangelicals, and the Sabbath
This causes me to think of Tim Tebow of the Fla Gators and his almost sure entry into the NFL. I wonder if he ever put Exo 20:8-11 on the black paint lines under his eyes.
This warms the ‘cokkles’ of my heart on two accounts… I recommend Dr. Clark’s ‘Recovering’ to get a better handle on the Sabbath/Lord’s Day observance, and seeing Invictus for a lesson in rugby by the greatest rugby playing nation in the world! Both Sabbath and rugby appreciation need reformation in this country…