It’s the Reformation Heritage Books Deal of the Month for October for only $15.00. Click on the image to order.
J. Lim has quotations at Reformed Blogging.
It’s the Reformation Heritage Books Deal of the Month for October for only $15.00. Click on the image to order.
J. Lim has quotations at Reformed Blogging.
Dr. Clark,
You wouldn’t happen to be willing to trade a copy of “Recovering the Reformed” confession for some Wodehouse books would you?
You should be able to get it via inter-library loan.
RHB has it for $15.00.
RHB is only a half hour from me. Extra money that could be used for books is many hours from me. I’ll go see if I can convince one of my friends to buy it for me.
Inter library loan has annoying pressure to it. I read to understand and I don’t like beating away those who are waiting for the book. Also Having 5 children increases the probability of the book being marred. I’ve trained them well to respect books but…