Perhaps one of the reasons we have a difficult time reaching our neighbors with the gospel of Christ is that we are unwilling to sacrifice anything for their sake, breaking down relational and cultural walls that make it hard for them to receive our message. Sacrificing foreskin probably won’t do much in our context, but what about our time? Having someone new over for dinner can be a sacrifice (especially when you have kids!). Sharing our goods (money/possessions) with those in need is also a godly sacrifice (Heb. 13:16). Even the sacrifice of prayer for our neighbors is something we should be willing to engage in (Romans 10:1). When you sacrifice for your neighbor, you’re modeling the implications of the gospel to them in a tangible way. This means you’re not just speaking the great truth of the gospel to them, but you’re showing them what the gospel does in practice.
Adriel Sanchez | “The Missing Piece in Our Evangelism” | July 9, 2020
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