Of Choirs And Praise Bands

Choirs (and their casual, modern descendants worship teams and praise bands) have been near-ubiquitous in Reformed churches for less than two centuries, but just like government programs, once instituted these groups are difficult to disband even though their historical pedigree is weak. Arrangements may be changed (from choir to praise team), expanded, or downsized, but any pastor or session/consistory knows that messing with the music is akin to playing with fire.

The music-loving Welsh even had a term (cythraul canu) for problems and strife caused by music and choirs. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones sometimes referred to it in English: the devil in the singing. Many pastors and church officers have understood the concept all too well, resisting change and preferring the known “devil” to the unknown one.

But change does happen. Diminution or even elimination of church “music programs” is not completely unknown. Those members and officers with strong convictions about the regulative principle of worship1 might even consider the loss of a choir or the breaking up of the band to be a sign of reformation. So how might teams and choirs exit the stage or empty the loft?

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Brad Isbell | “Empty Lofts & Vacant Stages” | January 4th, 2024


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