Our Standing Before God Is Not Contingent On Our Obedience

Jesus, the God-man, obeyed God perfectly and was the perfect sacrifice for sin on our behalf, and his completed work on our behalf means that his righteousness is counted to us and his atoning death has paid for our sins in full. Nothing can change our status as God’s children, co-heirs with Christ. . . .
. . . Once slaves to sin (Rom. 6:20), believers are now free to live to God’s glory and love him wholeheartedly in all things. God has given his children new hearts that desire to do God’s will and bring glory to him.
Christians show gratitude to and love for God by keeping his commandments (John 14:15; Heb. 13:15; 1 John 2:3; 5:3), and this obedience is a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving the believer offers up freely to God. Our obedience is never a means to earn—or keep—God’s grace; rather, it is an outworking of our love for God and all he has done, and continues to do, for us in Christ.

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Le Ann Trees | “Freedom in Christ to Love and Obey” | November 21, 2023


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