Editor’s Note: The following is an update from Rev. Antonio Coppola on his work and ministry in South Africa. Earlier this year, he wrote an article discussing his church-planting efforts at Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church, as well as his work at Mukhanyo Theological College in Durban. We hope you will join us in praying for Rev. Coppola and the spread of the Reformed confession in South Africa.
Four Years of God’s Faithfulness!
Dear friends,
We are thankful to the Lord for faithfully sustaining us and growing us by his Word and Spirit since our first church service in September 2019. Last month we celebrated this milestone with a picnic braai after church. Thank you for supporting us and praying for us through the ups and downs of our church-planting journey!
First Baptisms
In August we had the privilege of witnessing our first baptisms! The Box family (Dylan, the father, and the four children) were baptised and welcomed into the covenant community. Dylan is a relatively new believer and went through a discipleship process in the months running up to his baptism. He, his wife Storm, and their children are a great blessing to us!
New Members
Last month we were thrilled to welcome in nine new members to the church. The Box family, Mel, Annatjie, and Annie were welcomed in after completing a month-long membership course. We thank the Lord for his faithfulness in drawing these wonderful people to his church!
Ministry of the Word
In July we finally finished our preaching series on Genesis, and I started a new series preaching through Philippians. I am also teaching through the doctrine of God for our adult catechism classes.
Children’s Ministry
Our intern, Brendan, has been doing a fine job in ministering to the children of our congregation. Sunday school classes are held every Sunday before the service, where the children are being catechised through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. They are also provided with sermon sheets to help them follow the sermon during the service.
Please pray for:
- Give thanks to the Lord for his abundant faithfulness to us in answering prayer by adding to our number and growing up disciples of Christ who are rooted in the truths of the gospel.
- That the Lord would raise up an eldership and a diaconate, for more leaders in our church.
- For our evangelistic small group, that the Lord would continue to bring people to us and root them in the gospel through it, and for Brendan who leads it.
- For Brendan and Alex as they continue to engage our local community for the sake of the gospel.
- For Alex, as he starts a new Bible study for members of the church.
- For our member, Varuschka who is battling with health issues at the moment.
- That I would be faithful in the weekly preaching of God’s Word, administration of the sacraments, pastoral care, and leadership.
- For continued financial provision for our church.
Antonio Coppola,
Pastor of Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church.
Church website: https://covenantwaterfall.co.za/
Mukhanyo website: www.mukhanyo.ac.za
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