Take And Eat Became Verbs Of Salvation

God allows the forbidden its full appeal. The pattern of sin runs right through the act, for Eve listened to a creature instead of the Creator, followed her impressions against her instructions, and made self-fulfillment her goal. The prospect of material, aesthetic and mental enrichment (6a) seemed to add up to life itself; the world still offers it (1 Jn 2:16). But man’s lifeline is spiritual, namely God’s Word and the response of faith (Dt 8:3; Hab 2:4); to break it is death.

She took…and ate: so simple the act, so hard its undoing. God will taste poverty and death before ‘take and eat’ become verbs of salvation.

Derek Kidner | Genesis: An Introduction and Commentary (London: The Tyndale Press, 1967), 68 (HT: Dan Warne)


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