New In Print: Machen’s Doctrine Of Salvation

The February, 2023 issue of Tabletalk, published by Ligonier, features J. Gresham Machen and is entitled Christianity and Liberalism. It features essays by Stephen Nichols on “The Modernist Conflict in the American Church,” W. Robert Godfrey on “Christianity and Worldly Philosophy,” and series of articles on aspects of Machen’s theology, including Chad Van Dixhoorn  on “Doctrine,” Jonathan Gibson on “God and Man,” David Garner on “The Bible,” Brandon Crowe on “Christ,” and R. Scott Clark on “Salvation,” and John Muether on “The Church.”  This issue is $3.00. This is the 100th anniversary of Machen’s seminal and ever-relevant book, Christianity and Liberalism.

Stay tuned to the HB for more Machen news. As always, be sure to check out the resources below, including our resource page on Machen.


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    The Heidelblog has been in publication since 2007. It is devoted to recovering the Reformed confession and to helping others discover Reformed theology, piety, and practice.

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  1. It’s also the 100th anniversary of Machen’s “New Testament Greek for Beginners” (1923), about which I would think there will be somewhat less excitement. Heh.

  2. I’ve read Tabletalk’s entire February issue, and it’s HUGELY well done, as always! J. Gresham Machen was a Mighty man of God, and I truly look forward to purchasing his great book=‘Christianity and Liberalism.’ Thank you MUCH for your fantastic article, and your ministry, too! Lord Bless always!
    Titus 3:5 and 2:11-3:11✝️📖. Bob Iggy

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