Like many other organizations the HRA is in the process of moving away from PayPal, which has recently signaled its intent to limit access by organizations that do not meet their ideological (and religious) standards. We are working on this. We will remain on PayPal until we find an alternative solution (which is complicated by factors beyond our control). If you wish to support our work without using PayPal you may do so by mailing checks to:
Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway #391
Escondido CA 92027
In 2022, writing and mailing checks is perhaps a little tedious, but apart from the cost of postage (.60) all the funds go to support the HRA.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
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Heidelberg Reformation Association
1637 E. Valley Parkway
Escondido CA 92027
USA - Heidelblog Contributors
Besides listed above (assuming it is reliable)
what are other reliable options for personal use.
Is PayPal also limiting access to individuals as well as organizations?
Hi Linda,
right now we’re planning to stay with PayPal until we find a permanent alternative. We’re working on that now. PayPal has retracted their plan to punish people for ideological violations but it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know about individuals but I suppose it’s possible.
I don’t know anything about Wise. Thanks for the tip.
An acquaintance who was deplatformed by PayPal now uses Wise,
When you click on the PayPal button the next page gives a credit card option.
Thank you Jack.
Good for you. I’ve de-fascisted my life with one exception: Amazon. But since I am closing down my small business this year, I won’t be needing them anymore here soon. I won’t have any money anyway!