Quick Headphone Review For Podcasters: Beyerdynamics DT770 v. AKG K371

I have been using Beyerdynamics DT770s for 10 years. I have been using professional headphones (off and on) since 1977. I have used just about every type of headphone from all the major manufacturers. The Beyerdynamic DT770s are far and away the best headphones I have ever used. These are reference headphones. That means that they do not color the sound with built-in equalization. They are sturdy (though I treat them gently because I value them). They are comfortable and over the last ten years the price has dropped by 50%. They used to be $300.00 and now they are regularly half that. On sale they can be closer to $100.00. I was reminded how much I like them when I had to buy a back-up set. My choices were limited so I went with AKGK371. They are reasonably comfortable and are have a nice feature: the cord port is modular and the set comes with three cords of varying length and style. I bought my first pair of AKGs in the early 80s when I tired of the cheap Sennheiser headphones provided by the radio station at which I was working. They were comfortable (important during a 6-hour air-shift), sounded great, and lasted for years. So, I have a soft spot for AKG. Nevertheless, there is no comparison. I did an A-B test last Saturday while recording an episode of the Heidelcast. The difference was remarkable. The superior clarity and comfort of the DT770s was immediately apparent. Sometimes A-B tests can be difficult but not in this case.

Get a pair of DT770s. You can thank me later.

No, Beyerdynamics did not supply me with headphones. I wish.

©R. Scott Clark. All Rights Reserved.


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  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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  1. Two more options: Sennheiser HD25 and Beyer DT150. Both are very popular with professional sound engineers.

  2. oh, headphones, don’t get me started Dr. Clark! Certainly the DT770s are a fine choice, and I assume for podcasting you prefer the closed back (v. open back which are much better for critical music listening). I found the 770s to be a bit muffled in their sound – as you mentioned, like any good headphone, they don’t color the sound. (I think you meant above “these are reference headphones.” If you don’t mind a slightly snug fit, you might try the funky looking Lola Blues, closed back, but plenty good enough for both podcasting and music. Usually around $250. (which is about my price point) but I see it now on Amazon for $160. which is a very good price.

  3. As a guy with a pretty large noggin — cap size 8 — and ears to match, I have been for most of my adult life channeling my inner Diogenes of Sinope, searching all over the place for a truly comfortable pair of headphones which can be worn for hours at a time; today’s blog has convinced me to give the Beyerdynamics DT770s a try. Might I ask what impedance rating (ohms) yours have, 32 or 80? If 80, and if you use them with a smartphone and/or iPad, is an amplifier/DAC required for optimal sound? Thanks!

    • You might want to try the old studio standbys, the Sony MDR7506s. Old school design (hasn’t changed in 30 years), generally flat response but tending to slightly bright mids/highs; if you like the modern style of too much bass these won’t suit you. I recommend them to you as they are lightweight. Long cord (non-replaceable) can be a bug or a feature, depends on your use. About $100.

  4. Sennheiser cheap?! Maybe they have some cheaper and lower prices models, but I’ve used ’em since the 80’s without complaints. My latest pair, in particular, has excellent quality.

    • Sennheiser B360

      This is the modern version. 40 years ago they weren’t HD and because they were open, they leaked sound. When the mic was open it created feedback. They were lightweight and comfortable but they didn’t last long. Stations loved them because they were disposable.

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