CRT Indoctrination Reminds Former Intelligence Analyst Of Communist Brainwashing Technique

If you review the training sessions for [Critical Race Theory] facilitators, the process is eerily similar to such communist processes of coercive thought reform. First of all, the employees are put into a controlled environment, isolated from other influences and under the complete supervision of the CRT trainers.

Writing is also a part of the process. The State Department program would have employees take part in “challenge activities” for 21 days that required them to keep a written log of activities such as reading, listening, “allyship,” and more, “with a focus on four minority groups.” They were also required to take part in “support groups” and “emotional validation” exercises, which sound a lot like Maoist-styled “struggle sessions,” otherwise known in communist history as “sessions of criticism and self-criticism.”

At the Environmental Protection Agency, CRT agitators planned to subject employees to a program in which they would be taught about “allyship, antiracism, white fragility, microaggressions, white privilege, and systemic racism.” The original source documents can be found here.

In her 1995 book Cults in Our Midst, cult expert Margaret Thaler Singer discusses how the brainwashing/thought reform process aims to destabilize a person’s sense of self in order to change his or her attitudes. But, she says, it is usual “a gradual process of breaking down and transformation.” No doubt CRT aids in this process.

The idea is to undermine individuals’ self-concept, to make them change their worldview and self-image to align with the cultic ideal and a new version of reality. They then become deployable agents to recruit others — and, in the case of BLM, to take part in mob violence.

…The teaching of critical race theory does exactly this. CRT fits the type of cult thought reform process that Singer classified as reliant upon “aversive emotional arousal techniques – guilt and fear induction, strict discipline and punishments, excessive criticism and blame.”

CRT requires people to think of themselves as either racists or victims or allies, nothing more and nothing less. The deeper you go into the mindset, the more you are invested in it, and the more your behavior is affected by it. Read more»

Stella Morabito, “How Denunciations, ‘Sensitivity Training,’ Mimic Communist Brainwashing,” The Federalist October 2, 2020.


    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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  1. I paid attention to the Korean war, especially to reports of treatment of POWs, and the statistics of survival. Do you remember, for example, that the best response, for survival and healthy minds, was found in committed Christians – and in gang members. Both resisted. As a Naval aviator, our son went through survival training, the most brutal of which included the Chinese Communist techniques. (Each assault he experienced had been previously recorded from POWs, and his “captors” were speaking from exact scripts.) The susceptibility in both the general public and, sad to say, the religious world to manipulation of mind, thought and behavior with utter foolishness is one of the most dismaying signs of our present vulnerability. By the way, and for free, do you remember the Soviet phrase “agitprop?” The technique of using agitation and propaganda to move toward the goal.

    Christopher Rufo at Discovery shows how CRT sensitivity training is standard at many government, public and private institutions.

    CRT can be like an addict’s intervention and like Alcoholics Anonymous but with none of the transparency as AA. It also hard to understand all their ‘newspeak’ and words you thought you understood but really have additional or a different definition under CRT. They also have a ‘heads I win. Tails you lose’ approach to their argumentation. Logic and proof are really not of great utility to CRT proponents. Some people had showed me that they been beaten down with ‘white fragility’ for disagreeing or ‘marginalizing minority voices’ by saying ‘all lives matter’ or holding an event for slain police officers.
    Faithfully applying the Summary of the Law in Matthew 22 can do more to solve racial strife than CRT.

    Christopher Rufo at Discovery shows how CRT sensitivity training is standard at many government, public and private institutions.

    CRT can be like an addict’s intervention and like Alcoholics Anonymous but with none of the transparency as AA. It also hard to understand all their ‘newspeak’ and words you thought you understood but really have additional or a different definition under CRT. They also have a ‘heads I win. Tails you lose’ approach to their argumentation. Logic and proof are really not of great utility to CRT proponents. Some people had showed me that they been beaten down with ‘white fragility’ for disagreeing or ‘marginalizing minority voices’ by saying ‘all lives matter’ or holding an event for slain police officers.
    Faithfully applying the Summary of the Law in Matthew 22: 37-39 through the power of the Holy Spirit can do more to solve racial strife than CRT. We need Grace over Race as Dr. Horton pointed out in the early 1990s.

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