Top HB Posts Of 2015

Good-bye-2015-Welcome-2016-hd-Images-DownloadThank you for reading the HB this year. You were one of over 200,000 people who read the Heidelblog in 2015. There were over 600,000 downloads. Like last year, most readers get here via Twitter, Facebook, The Aquila Report, Feedly, and Many readers find the HB via search engines (e.g., Google). Some of the most popular search terms in 2015 that brought readers to the HB: Green Lantern, Leviathan, Ex Cathedra Pronouncements, Pontius Pilate, and that grammatical crime: “Agreeance.” Most readers came from to the HB from the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Venezuela, Germany, France, Singapore, and Brazil. The most frequent commenters: John Rokos, Mark Mcculley, Matt, Jack Miller, and Peter Herz.

Thanks as always to those who contributed to the upkeep of the HB. I am deeply grateful. A special word of thanks to the Wonderful Wizard of Web, who works tirelessly behind the scenes to the keep the HB up and running. If you benefit from the HB you give thanks for his work on your behalf.

The Heidelcast is on hiatus but stay tuned. Dv (Lord willing), it will return this summer. Thanks for listening.

There were 600 new posts on the HB in 2015. Here’s the Top 10:

  1. Burying the Lead On Baxter
  2. Why Brian Williams’ Lies Mean More Than You Think They Do
  3. Muddying The Distinction Between Justification And Salvation
  4. Refugees And The Twofold Kingdom
  5. Presbyterians And Homosexuals Together: The Crisis Of Christ And Culture
  6. It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way
  7. We Attain Heaven Through Faith Alone
  8. I’m Shocked That You’re Shocked
  9. The Gospel Is Not Social
  10. The Bible And The Quran

Perennial Favorites:

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  1. Thank you Prof. Clark for your posts during the last year, they are a help
    for building up ourselves in the most holy faith, Happy New Year by the
    way. Hope you do more Covenant Theology this new year, particularly
    more on republication, Hope you’ll refute new baptist 1689 Federalism
    Theology before it gets to firm a foothold.

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