Trelcatius On The State Of Believers In The Judgment

The last (or extreme) judgment is a judicial act, whereby Christ, in the last day, with great majesty in glory, shall give sentence upon all men universally. The principal efficient cause as touching indeed the judicial power and authority is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But, as touching the manner of judgment,or exercise thereof, Christ is not only as he is God but also as he is man, which follows together with the personal union of the divine and human nature, as also, because of his agreeableness and affinity with man. The administering cause shall be the angels, whose service God will use both in the gathering together and in the separating and singling out of them that shall be judged.

The matter as it respects the subject is the faith or infidelity of everyone declared by the effects of both. But as concerning the object are both universally, all creatures, even the unreasonable, which shall be freed from the servitude of corruption and generally all, both angels and men, and particularly that man of sin and son of perdition, Antichrist.

… The end supreme is the glory of God himself and the accomplishment or Christ’s office. Subordinate is the just condemnation of the wicked and the glorious felicity of the faithful. Both which the infinity and eternity either of joy or sorrow follows.

The cause of this life is God, too wit, the Father the efficient, the Son the meritorious, and the Holy Spirit the sealing and applying cause.

The matter, which has the respect of the subject, are those good things which neither eye has seen nor ear heard nor can the mind of man comprehend. That which is of the object are all the blessed and elect.

The form is the most perfect knowledge, vision, and fruition of God himself, and the exceeding felicity and blessedness of man which accompanies the same which also consists both in the separation and absence of all evil things and in the participation and presence of all good things….

— Lucas Trelcatius (1542–1602), A Brief Institution of the Common Places of Sacred Divinity, trans. John Gawen (London, 1610), 587–90. Translation, Spelling, and punctuation modernized.

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