When we allow evangelicals to pray as evangelicals, Catholics to pray as Catholics, Muslims to pray as Muslims, Jews to pray as Jews, we are not undermining political pluralism in our democracy, we’re upholding it.
That’s why these prayers are not an establishment of religion. The clergyperson offering the invocation isn’t an extension of the government. His or her prayers aren’t state-written or state-approved. Read more»
Russell D. Moore | “Why Public Prayer Is About More Than Culture Wars,” (October 15, 2013
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The Devil is in the Detail – and I am not being merely proverbial here. If I, as a chairman of proceedings, but also a Christian, publicly invite a Roman Catholic to engage in prayer as a Roman Catholic while doing something to dissociate from him in this connection, I am honouring political pluralism. If, on the other hand, I invite him to lead the assembly in prayer as a Roman Catholic, I am participating in his sin and I rightly attract the censure of a conscientious church like the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland. I hate to think what I personally would be like in such a situation!