Spiritual Maturity and the Psalms

Wes has good stuff from Herman Selderhuis.

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  1. I say there’s more to this than meets the eye.
    What are some of the biggest emphases in Reformed theology? Human depravity, God’s sovereignty in salvation, justification by faith alone.
    I don’t say that you won’t find any of these in the Psalms. But the classic theological sources for them are Romans and Galatians, where Paul lays them out systematically.
    So why is a love for the Psalms a more accurate litmus test for spiritual maturity than a love for Romans and Galatians?
    Is there a hidden EP agenda here?

    • John,

      Nothing hidden about the Reformed love of the psalms. Indeed, the psalms are the devotional and song book of the catholic church. If you’ve paid attention here and if you’ve read RRC you’ll know that I don’t argue for exclusive psalmody but for exclusively canonical songs.

      The psalms capture the range of Christian experience and biblical teaching. They teach, in their own way and in the various genres they use, everything that one finds in Galatians and Romans. We don’t set them against each other.

      What is sad about our age is how neglected the psalms are.

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