Why Sing Psalms?

WSC grad and newly-minted URC pastor Brian Cochran explainsMore here.

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  1. Historically, the Church has systematically read/chanted the Psalter, both corporately and individually. The Church of England, in the 16th century, was a Psalm-singing Church, along with the Canticles in St. Luke’s Gospel. Psalm-singing has a long-standing history in the worship of the Church catholic. This, of course, was reflected in Cranmer’s Prayerbooks, in which the whole psalter was to be read or chanted every month.

  2. Dr. Clark,
    We are enjoying our Psalter so much, every morning. My children know about five Psams now, me too….Isn’t God Good?

    Thanks for helping to point us in the right direction.

    Ginger Zagnoli

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