You can order it here. Copies will be available in The Bookstore at WSC later this month, Dv. Back copies are available in the bookstore.
Here are the contents:
2. Editorial
3. The Westminster Assembly & the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis. Part One: Chronology
By Chris Coldwell
56. The Westminster Assembly & the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis. Part Two: Analysis
By Matthew Winzer
89. John Calvin on the Doctrine of Divine Revelation
By W. Gary Crampton. Th.D.
115. Samuel Rutherford’s Contribution to Covenant Theology in Scotland
By D. Patrick Ramsey
127. Presbyterian Quintessence: The Five ‘Heads’ of Church Government
By Frank J. Smith, Ph.D., D.D.
161. Johannes Megapolensis: Pioneer Reformed Missionary to the Mohawks
By Wes Bredenhof
170. An Answer to the Challenge of Preaching the Old Testament: An Historical & Theological Examination of the Redemptive-Historical Approach
By Rev. Anthony T. Selvaggio, J.D., M. Div.
185. The Deacon: A Divine Right Office with Divine Uses
By C. N. Willborn
199. Francis Turretin and Barthianism: The Covenant of Works in Historical Perspective
By James J. Cassidy
214. Pictures of Jesus and the Sovereignty of Divine Revelation: Recent Literature and a Defense of the Confessional Reformed View
By David VanDrunen
229. The Sabbath Day and Recreations on the Sabbath: An Examination of the Sabbath and the Biblical Basis for the “No Recreation” Clause in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.8 and Westminster Larger Catechism 117
By Lane Keister
239. “So Great a Love”—James Durham on Christ and His Church in the Song of Solomon
By Donald John MacLean
Table of Contents Continued
256 Reviews & Responses:
■ J. Todd Billings, Union with Christ: A Doctrine in Contention; Michael Horton, Covenant and Salvation: Union with Christ; Mark A. Garcia, Life in Christ: Union with Christ and the Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology (Jeff Waddington) 256
■ Cornelius P. Venema, Accepted and Renewed in Christ. The “Twofold Grace of God” and the Interpretation of Calvin’s Theology (Richard B. Gaffin) 269
■ Michael S. Horton, People and Place: A Covenant Ecclesiology (Wes Bredenhof) 274
■ Daniel R. Hyde, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace (Ryan M. McGraw) 276
■ J. van Genderen and W. H. Velema, Concise Reformed Dogmatics (James E. Dolezal) 278
■ Charles E. Hill, From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp: Identifying Irenaeus’ Apostolic Presbyter and the Author of ad Diognetum (R. Scott Clark) 283
■ Harold W. Hoehner, Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary (Guy Prentiss Waters) 286
■ Sinclair Ferguson, In Christ Alone: Living the Christ Centered Life (Christopher A. Hutchinson) 290
■ Edward T. Welch, Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest (Daniel F. Patterson) 292 ■
296 Psallo: Psalm 42
298 In Translatiōne: Part II. John Brown of Wamphray: Singing of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs in the Public Worship of God
305 Antiquary: The James Durham MSS Held by Glasgow University Library
308 Bibliography
324 Author Index, The Confessional Presbyterian, volumes 1–5 (2005–2009).
328 The Editor and Contributing Editors
In Brief: James Walker’s Assessment of Samuel Rutherford (126) ■ “The Office of Deacon:” Extracts from The Presbyterian Quarterly {April, 1896} (198) ■ The Intent of Larger Catechism 109 Regarding Pictures of Christ’s Humanity (227) ■
Scott, who is that on the cover?
It’s meant to be Calvin