A collection of interviews on handling truth and error in the church. Contributors reflect on this issue in relation to the minister‘s own life, pulpit ministry, local church leadership, seminary training, denominations, the impact of the academy, Evangelicalism, contemporary trends, history, creeds and confessions, and doctrines that are currently under attack. There is also personal reflection on these matters, lessons drawn from experience, and practical advice. The interviews are introduced by a primer on heresy and false teaching, and concluded with a chapters on why “Being Against Heresies is not enough” and “What really matters in ministry: directives for church leaders in Acts 20.” Contributors include: Carl Trueman, Tom Schreiner, Michael Horton, Mark Dever, Derek Thomas, R. Scott Clark, Iain D. Campbell, Tom Ascol, Guy Waters, Kim Riddlebarger, Ron Gleason, Sean Michael Lucas, Gary L. W. Johnson, Conrad Mbewe, Geoffrey Thomas, Joel Beeke, Michael Ovey, Ligon Duncan, Robert Peterson, Greg Beale.
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Bought it today. I particularly appreciated your statement “Error often seems ‘intuitive’ and seems empowering. Truth often seems counter-intuitive and foolish.” Wow. So much of NTWs work flourishes because it seems like such a tight reading of the biblical text. One needs to have tasted the sweetness of the gospel in order to see it as the rank biblicism and reductionism that it is.
I’ve also read GLW’s chapter. He gave a very helpful analysis of Shepherd and the FV controversy.
So far, Risking the Truth has been a terrific read. I’m at your interview & I liked how you worked in QIRC & QIRE. What struck me most was your response to the question about your dealing with someone who is attracted by false teaching. As a teaching elder I’ve sometimes been less than winsome (for some people) when defending orthodoxy which gets me in trouble with my own side. Thanks for pointing out that at times, some vigor is necessary.
Thanks Chris!
Martin did a terrific job of making sense of my stuff.