The Nicotine Theological Journal is published by the Old Life Theological Society and is dedicated to Reformed faith and practice. Its primary editors and contributors are Darryl G. Hart and John Muether. This issue has a couple of thoughtful and fair-minded essays on the significance of Richard John Neuhaus, an excellent entry on the current discussions in Reformed circles over “union with Christ” (that should be read by everyone), changes in a local minor league ball park, and the usual collection of shorter essays. You can order your subscription of the NTJ at the OLTS site. I don’t hype many things (beside my own books) but every time a new issue of the NTJ appears I encourage everyone to subscribe. It’s only $10.00 annually for individuals and it’s well worth it. Don’t let the fact that I appear in its pages occasionally put you off. If you love old side, old school Presbyterian and Reformed theology, piety, and practice, if you love baseball, if the smell of pipe smoke is pleasing to your nostrils, you should subscribe.