The law as a rule of life is also of great use to believers. … Now in this point of view, it serves in the following ways, under the illuminating influences of the Holy Spirit: …To show them how far they are from perfection of holiness. In order to render them humbler and more contrite; to cause them to renounce, in a higher degree, all confidence in their own wisdom, righteousness, and strength; and to trust constantly and only in the Lord Jesus for all their salvation, the law discovers to them the sin that dwells in them and that cleaves to all their thoughts, words, and actions. It is of great use to teach them the need that they have to be more humble, penitent, and holy. And so it serves, in a high degree, to promote their sanctification and their desire to attain perfection of holiness (Rom. 7:22–24; Phil. 3:10–14). As it requires them to be holy in a perfect degree (Matt. 5:48), it shows them that their want of perfect conformity to it is, every moment, their sin and that they ought continually to press on toward perfection and long for heaven, where their holiness and happiness will be perfect (2 Cor. 5:2–4; Phil. 1:23).
John Colquhoun | A Treatise on the Law and Gospel (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books), 117-18.
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