Easy Peasy helpfully describes how pornography deceives us. Pornography gives the illusion of help and benefit through the release of dopamine as someone searches for pornography. Notice I said “searches,” not “looks at.” The author distinguishes the experience of the hunt as more intoxicating than the kill. This is why the strongest feelings of pleasure a porn user experiences are not during an orgasm, but during the search for new pornography. They don’t want the hunt to end because that’s when the spell is broken, they awaken from the illusion, and they’re back in a reality that’s worse than before they started.
Many people turn to porn because they think it will take the edge off some painful experience like boredom, anxiety, stress, or disappointment. And for a moment, it seems to work. But afterwards, they realize that the pain didn’t go away. Pornography only added a new layer of suffering and despair.
Read more»Mark Sanders | “Pornography’s Big Lie: The Fear of Missing Out” | Dec 19, 2024
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