Stuart Robinson On The Superiority Of The American System Over Christendom

Next, after a thousand years of repose and silence in the Church, the third was developed (Soteriology) through the labors of Luther and Calvin, proclaiming salvation as by grace through faith, leaving the fourth, Ecclesiology, yet to be developed. Do not the providences of God toward the American Church in freeing her from the civil domination which, by violence or seduction, silenced the martyr-voice of her Scotch mother when she would testify for Christ’s crown and covenant, and in placing the Church here in a position (for the first time, perhaps, since the apostles) to actualize fully and without hindrance her true nature and functions as a spiritual commonwealth—do not all seem to indicate that the time has fully come for the final development of the visible Church as a governmental power on earth, yet a kingdom not of this world, a people not reckoned among the nations?  Read More»

Stuart Robinson | The Church Of God As An Essential Element Of The Gospel (Philadelphia, 1858), 28, 84, 87


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