Rev. Gordon and Stephen Wolfe discuss Christan Nationalism. Stephen is the author of the controversial and often criticized book, The Case For Christian Nationalism. He has gained a substantial following on social media for his frank and sometimes harsh statements, and has received criticism for his opinions by many in the Reformed community.
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Dr. Clark,
Been reading Wolfe’s book. Mainly because I want to know what all the hullabaloo is really about. Early on in the book, Wolfe states that had Adam obeyed and attained eternal blessedness for him and his posterity, they would have still created civil magistrates (paraphrasing here).
I’ve been a HC listener for a hot minute, and if I’ve learned ANYTHING, it is to question the premise. It appears to me, that his entire argument is built on the premise (at least how I see it) that civil government is part of the prelapsarian creational order. That seems odd to me given that God repeatedly states “they will be my people, and I will be their God,” or when Samuel tells the Israelites, “you really want a king like the pagans around you? LOL ok. Watch out” (New Revised Heidelmemes Edition).
So IF the premise is true, then it would likely be true in the next age, and civil government would still remain post-resurrection of the dead/Christ’s return. (maybe this is a bad equivalence).
Anyways, I think I’ve already lost my train of thought here, I make memes, not HB articles. Wolfe likes to say “Grace doesn’t destroy nature,” which seems to me he is saying civil government is a part of the pre-fall creation order. (Not getting into the irony that his book wipes out nature entirely as Rev. Gordon wonderfully pointed out on AGR). Would love to know your thoughts.
Just remember, “Is everybody dumb?”
No, no, just HeidelMemes.