In case you missed them, these were the five most popular posts for the week of August 5–11, 2024.
- Warren Cole Smith, Basham Is Right But Not In The Way She Thinks
- Carl Trueman, What “Big Eva” Is And Why It Matters To Reformed Churches
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Ten Points Of Marxism
- R. Scott Clark, To The Evangelical Nicodemites (Part Two)
- R. Scott Clark, Grammar Guerrilla: “Prayers For” Vs “Prayers To”
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- The Ecumenical Creeds
- The Reformed Confessions
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- Recovering the Reformed Confession (Phillipsburg: P&R Publishing, 2008)
- Why I Am A Christian
- What Must A Christian Believe?
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Hello Scott,
Thank you for all the great resources you provide the people of God! Have you written and posted on Establishmentarianism and disestablishmentarianism (including Voluntaryism) as it pertains to us today? Thanks again!