Sauls Leaves PCA, Becomes Egalitarian

You might have heard that one of the Presbyterian Church in America’s most notable ministers got in trouble, was suspended by his presbytery, went through a lengthy discipline process, eventually resigned his church, and two days later was restored as a member in good standing by his presbytery. You might have heard that much and no more, because as far as the PCA’s denominational organ ByFaith1 is concerned that was the end of the story.

…The innovative is often favored over the boring, but controversy is sometimes handled with kid gloves or passed over in silence. Such (so far) has been the case with news about departed celebrity pastor and prolific author Scott Sauls whose visage, byline, and opinions have been all over the pages of ByFaith for years. It appears that he wrote more ByFaith articles in the last decade than any other PCA pastor, and he was Tim Keller’s golden boy understudy—arguably the face of the PCA, the exemplar of pastoral piety and practice.

He is PCA no more. But you might not know that. You probably don’t know it because the facts of his departure were not covered by ByFaith. To learn about it you’d need to subscribe to the Nashville newspaper whose coverage (though a bit confused) more or less describes what happened….

…Between November and March, Sauls’ views changed in a way that made him incompatible with the PCA: He became (or revealed himself to be) an ecclesial egalitarian, meaning he believes that all of the roles and offices in the church are open to men and women.

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Brad Isbell | “The Biggest PCA News You Never Heard” | August 14, 2024


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