But [the Reformed] all agree in these fundamental articles: the doctrines concerning the sacred Scriptures as inspired, being the only and perfect rule of faith; concerning the unity of God and the Trinity; concerning Christ, the death, concerning the law and its inability to save; concerning justification by faith; concerning the necessity of grace and of good works, sanctification and eternal life and such as are connected to these. All these are so strictly joined together that they mutually depend on each other. One cannot be withdrawn without overthrowing all the rest.
Francis Turretin (1625–87) | Institutes of Elenctic Theology, 1.14.24
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Does inerrancy and infallibility necessarily follow from divine inspiration in Turretin’s view?
Turretin is often credited with early formulations of the doctrine of inerrancy (e.g., the Helvetic Consensus Formula, 1675) but I don’t think he actually used the word inerrancy. As far as I know that is a 19th-century term. He certainly had the highest view of Scripture but inerrancy per se was a response to the rise of higher criticism in the 18th and 19th centuries.