In our day and age, the average Christian is more likely to know the lyrics to the latest chart-topper than they are to know the words of Psalm 23, and it is even less likely that they have ever sung the metrical setting. Yet, for most of Christian history, the psalms were central to the life of the church. If you have been on The Heidelblog for any length of time, then you know we lament this dilapidation and that we have set our hands to restoring the edifice of psalmody in public and private worship. We want to join the saints of the early, medieval, and Reformation era in lifting our voices to the Lord with poetry from His own pen.
This week for the Saturday Psalm Series, we present a conversation between Dr. R. Scott Clark and Dr. Bob Godfrey from the retired-but-much-loved podcast, Office Hours, on how to cultivate a love for the psalms.We hope you are encouraged by this conversation and that you explore our many resources on the recovery of psalm singing. Bob Godfrey is now President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Church History at Westminster Seminary California. Should you wish to hear more from him on the subject, he has written a wonderful introduction to the psalms, Learning to Love the Psalms.
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I just Finished Alec MOTYERs book (PSALMS by the Day)
Was totally awesome and convicting and very informative.
His (Pause for Thought) in the book, were icing on the cake.
It was a Hebrew class as well. Recommend it for sure.
I discovered Videos by Motyer on Gospel Coalition. Excellent as well.
I ordered his (ISAIAH by the Day) SATURDAY Psalms are a plus.
Thanks to both of you, I was encouraged to learn more about psalmody over the past four years. Ultimately it sent me to the subject of worship and the regulative principle. The deeper I studied the more convinced I became that any singing in worship must be inspired. Of course that conflicts with my tradition, and tradition can be stubborn. But God is to be worshiped as he has instructed us and my own tradition and the course of two centuries of Evangelical tradition take a back seat. Indeed, I don’t think that hymns should even take a back seat but be thrown out of the car altogether. I pray that the NAPARC church’s will one day sing psalms exclusively and with heartfelt devotion.