The Problem With Rockstar Evangelism

U2 emerged, of course, at the perfect time. It was the moment of the rise of postmodernism as a cultural mood, with its emphasis on pop culture and its prioritizing of surface over depth. Bono’s ability to draw on biblical themes in his music gave all the appearance of theological sophistication and even orthodoxy, something seized upon by young Christians at the time.

But where did it lead? Well, it surely did not lead to anything approaching an orthodox Christian anthropology. U2 intervened in both the debate about gay marriage and Ireland’s discussion of abortion, in both cases on the wrong side. And in the classic contemporary fashion: not with profound arguments but superficial appeals to emotions, again reflecting that postmodern ethos of style trumping substance, feelings trumping truth.

As Bono declared in 2015 when Ireland voted for same sex marriage, “Millions turned up to vote yesterday to say love is the highest law in the land. … If God loves us, whoever we love, wherever we come from, then why can’t the state?” Profundity, rockstar style.

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Carl R. Trueman | “The establishment conformity of Bono” | November 23, 2022


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  1. I had a Pastor, early in my Christian life, who said he was saved at a Bono concert. Quite a few years have passed and he is deep in error and promotes and embraces some of the most popular heretics. By God’s grace we were rescued from that place of error and leaven.

  2. Cui bono? No one.

    And the Battle Of The F-Words — (true) faith vs. feelings — goes on.

  3. Hopefully Dr. Trueman reads the comments, this will give him a chuckle. In my travels I frequently hear a radio ad out of Grand Island, NE. It is for a dentist…Shane MacGowan.

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