They Are Coming For Your Children

There have been, arguably, three sexual revolutions in the modern period. If we think of the early stages of feminism, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, that was part of a sexual revolution that included a loosening of heterosexual mores. The roaring 20s included real sexual promiscuity. The early development of film including a booming business in graphic pornography. The second modern sexual revolution may be traced to the legalization of birth control (1962), the legalization of abortion on demand (1973), and no-fault divorce from 1975. Bridging the gap between the two was the post-WWII mainstreaming of Epicureanism in the form of Playboy Magazine. The second revolution was still mainly heterosexual but the 1969 Stonewall Riots foreshadowed the mainstreaming of homosexuality in the media and popular culture through the 1970s and 80s. There was pushback against even this phase of the revolution during the second Reagan Administration in the form of the Meese Report, named after the U.S. Attorney General. The AIDS/HIV crisis was closely associated with the gay subculture. In 1985, Tipper Gore, the wife of a sitting Democratic Senator from Tennessee (who later became Vice-President during the Clinton Administration and who is today mostly known for his hysterical rhetoric about global warming), began a crusade against sexually explicit lyrics in pop music. Even permissive San Francisco shuttered gay bath houses, in the interests of public health. It might seem quaint today but in cities across the USA there were concerted efforts to stem the publication and distribution of pornography and to influence public culture against it. In Kansas City one could purchase yellow trash bags that an anti-pornography message in bold black lettering.

The Third Sexual Revolution

Today, however, we are on the cusp of what may be our own “Roaring 20s.” We are in the midst of a third sexual revolution. Hugh Hefner is dead and so is the print and analog pornography business but online porn is ubiquitous and virtually unregulated. Where, in 2008, Barack Obama once said to Rick Warren that he opposed same-sex marriage on the basis of his Christian convictions, in 2012 he announced that he had changed his mind on same-sex marriage. Shortly thereafter the U.S. Supreme Court fell into line. In its infinite wisdom, the Court ruled in Obergefell (2015) that marriage has nothing to do with nature. Rather, the majority argued, marriage is grounded in affection and consent. Homosexuals have affection and they are able to consent therefore prohibitions against homosexual marriage are unconstitutional. The dissenting opinions rightly savaged the specious logic of the majority but here we are.

In this third revolution heterosexuality is largely irrelevant. The closeted homosexual subculture of the 1950s and 60s is out, proud, and proliferating. Most people under 70 know what the initials LGBT signify. Most everyone else knows what Q signifies and even I (inter-sex) and A (ally). The only place for heterosexuality in our brave new world is to cheer on those who reject heterosexuality, which is derided with the cryptic insult cishet. According to one online (Queer) dictionary the neologism (c. 2000) cis is said to be derived from the Latin preposition cis, meaning “on this side,” and “het,” which is an abbreviation of heterosexual. This is a rhetorical attempt to turn the tables, to marginalize the approximately 96% of the population that is heterosexual and to normalize the varieties of sexual orientations and proclivities featured in the seemingly ever-expanding LGBTQIA alliance.

One of the objections made to second sexual revolution was that were homosexuality to be legalized that they would prey upon children. In the popular heterosexual imagination there was a connection between homosexuality and pederasty. The sexually enlightened among us, however, mocked that concern as misguided. Through the 1980s and 90s, we were assured that Bruce and Steve (or Penny and Sally) simply wanted to live among us with all the rights, privileges, and benefits afforded to heterosexual married couples, There were voices from within the LGBTQ world who warned about what was to come. In “The Joy of Presbyterian Sex” (1991) Lesbian scholar, author, and critic Camille Paglia, mocked the “Bruce and Steve narrative” and argued that the point of homosexuality was to be transgressive not repressive (i.e., middle-American, middle-class, respectability).

It turns out that segments of the LGBTQ alliance are coming for your children and they are doing so rather openly. They may not be preying on children sexually (although the number of news reports of public school teachers and staffers having sex with minor students are through the roof) but there are organized movements targeting the minds of young children in public library reading programs and one pro-LGBTQ author has recently revealed a program to change the minds of undergraduates in Christian colleges. A few days ago there was news coverage about a drag queen who was caught on video reading to young children as part of a program. That person was later discovered to be a convicted sex offender. Now that the program has come to light, the Houston Public Library has discontinued it. The American Library Association, however, is out and proud. They have a webpage devoted to the Drag Queen Story Hour. They write:

Many libraries across the country have been hosting or participating in Drag Queen Story Hours. A few have experienced pushback from some members of their community. To support libraries facing challenges we have established this collection of resources. We will continue to add to it and welcome your contributions. ALA, through its actions and those of its members, is instrumental in creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive society. This includes a commitment to combating marginalization and underrepresentation within the communities served by libraries through increased understanding of the effects of historical exclusion.

The program itself has its own webpage, on which they say:

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.

As a child I loved my school library and the local public library. Odd as it may seem, I clearly remember our matronly school librarian explaining that books that had been awarded the Caldecott Medal and the Newberry Medal by the ALA were to be considered especially good and worthy of reading. Clearly, the public library is not what it used to be and neither is the ALA. It is now a publicly-funded, institutionally-sanctioned hunting ground for the hearts and minds of children. Drag Queen Story Hour programs have been operating in Greenville, SC, Atlanta, Louisville, KY, State College, PA, Philadelphia, PA, and Huntingdon, WVA among other places. One of the Drag Queens involved in the program calls himself, “Annie Christ.” This, of course, is insanity but we are not finished yet.

There is more. Jonathan S. Coley has published, Gay on God’s Campus: Mobilizing for LGBT Equality at Christian Colleges and Universities(HT Presbycast). The reviewer writes:

Finally, and perhaps most enduringly, Gay on God’s Campus is a manual for achieving social change through activism on Christian college campuses, though of course, Coley refrains from describing his research in such terms. Chapter 4, “Creating Change,” is a thoughtful analysis of what forms of activism work on these campuses and why. He considers activist efforts to change campus policy, campus climate, and hearts and minds. He concludes that effective activist movements on these campuses are often those that repurpose the language in a school’s theology such that it supports LGBT causes, or at least generates dialogue. In an unforgettable example, Coley describes a student group called Bridge Builders at Belmont University. This well-organized group managed to convince the school’s leadership to adopt a nondiscrimination policy, in part, by reframing LGBT issues, not in political terms, but as a theological discourse on Christ’s love for all.

Coley is pursuing essentially the same strategy as the Drag Queen Reading Hour: triumph through hugs and inclusion. Love is defined as affirming LGBTQ sexual orientation and Christians are supposed to accept this redefinition regardless of what Scripture, including our Lord actually says.

The point here is that the LGBTQ alliance is unashamedly, openly coming for the hearts and minds of your grade-school children, your middle-school aged children, your high-schoolers, and your college students. They are doing so with the help of publicly-funded establishments. Your tax dollars are helping to make possible the corruption of your children.

This is not a call to retreat nor a call to hysteria but it is a call to be wise. It is a call to prayer. It is also a call not to be naive about what is happening around us. Public officials who willfully expose young children to drag queens at public expense have not only lost their minds but they deserve to lose our trust. With the loss of that trust, more of the cords that bind us together have frayed.

More fundamentally, we are in the midst of a spiritual conflict. The sexualizing of children is evil beyond words. The propagandizing of children for the LGBTQ alliance is as deliberate as it is wicked. Obviously. our LGBTQ neighbors need genuine Christian grace and love. Many are the victim of some kind of abuse but we ought not to sacrifice our children to the gods of sexual revolution. Christians need to be wise about sending their children to publicly-funded institutions of all sorts. Parents must become involved in their local communities again. Do you know what your local library is doing? Are there parallel programs in your public school system? If so, why are your tax-dollars funding them? Can you imagine the outrage if the same librarians were caught reading holy Scripture to your children? But let someone complain about “Annie Christ” reading to impressionable children and it is sheer prejudice.

The sort of social-moral consensus that existed prior to the 1st and 2nd sexual revolutions seems long gone. We may be grateful for the Lord’s restraining mercies (part of common grace) but clearly things are happening in public life that would have been unthinkable just a decade ago. Had someone said to Barack Obama, “Mr President, do you fear that your change in attitude toward same-sex marriage might lead to outrageous projects such as drag queens named “Annie Christ” reading to children in public libraries?” that reporter would have had her White House press credentials revoked but here we are.

Let the reader understand.

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  1. Islam also has a different sexual ethic and paganism always relegates children and women to sex toys…crazy that we’re heading this direction, may Christ destroy this nation.

  2. “May Christ destroy this nation”? Surely, that was not the prayer of the OT prophets who wept for the rebellion of their people. Surely, they meant to be calling from the ramparts, warning and urging repentance and a cleansing from sin.
    One can acknowledge the judgment for the murder of millions of pre-born children, the Romans 1 involvement in defiling perversion, the overt mockery of and hostility to Christ and the Word – but as for myself, I would like to see a reawakening of the truly revolutionary system of freedom and restraint, decency and order envisioned by the founding fathers of this country. There has never been another so conceived.

    • Chris,

      I’m with Lola. I think the time of national imprecatory prayers is past. The Lord will do as he please, of course, but I see no evidence in the NT of any such imprecations against the very corrupt and quite pagan Roman empire. The public wickedness of the 1st century would still shock us today.

      I’m not looking for a great revival but I do think that we need to pray. We need to pray that God would convict the people of this nation of the greatness of their sin and misery, of their need for the Savior, and that he would draw countless numbers to himself. Only the sovereign, gracious work of the Spirit can turn the hearts of the people.

      We should also pray for leaders that uphold natural justice, for public servants who see themselves as just that, servants of the public who seek the public good. Clearly the American Library Association has lost its collective mind and so have the administrators at these libraries who participated in this program.

      We should pray for Christian school administrators, that they would be true to their confession of the Word of God and that they would stand on principle even if it costs them revenue.

      We need the restraining mercies of God to hold back the seeming tide of corruption around us.

  3. I think Sodom and Gomorrah is typical of what happens to this world when all of God’s elect have all been gathered. Sexual perversion is especially condemned by God because it is an abuse of the gift of the means God has provided for the procreation of mankind in general, and God’s elect in particular. It is the ultimate sinful act in the body because it defies the purposes of God in Creation to produce a people who would glorify Him. As long as there was a righteous man in Sodom and Gomorrah, God held back His wrath, but when all the righteous had gone out, God destroyed those cities. When God’s purpose of producing a people for His glory has been fulfilled, the wickedness of this world will be destroyed. As long as there are any righteous to be found, God will hold back judgment for their sake. Luke 18:1-8. “However when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” We live in a fallen, wicked world that has always deserved judgment and destruction but God defers it for the sake of the elect.

  4. I am not too well read on the 20s, though I have heard that before. Are there any resources that delve into that history of promiscuity and the emerge of porn at that time?

  5. RSC – then there is some confusion about how we are to use (sing and/or pray) the imprecatory psalms. The new joint OPC/URC Trinity Psalter Hymnal (we bought a copy athough we belong to neither communion and like it very much) contains ALL 150 Psalms, including those requesting restitution for wrongs done against Judah by its enemies. I’ve researched this issue and have found many commenters who claim that the time for that kind of use of those psalms is past and that we should not use them for purposes other than to read them historically. Then, I’ve read other commentaries saying that, yes that original purpose for the psalmist writing those is past, but that we should continue to sing or pray them today with the thought coinciding with the 2nd petition of the Lord’s Prayer – to long for the coming of Jesus to establish the fulfillment of his kingdom, thereby bringing about judgment against God’s unrepentant enemies. Any thoughts on the matter?

    • George,

      The only people I see praying imprecatory prayers on earthly enemies are theocrats and theonomists. They do this sort of stuff in Moscow but I don’t see the NT church doing it. I don’t see the early church doing it.

      The theocracy is gone. We’re not commissioned to kill any more Canaanites. That judgment was a picture of the justice of God executed on our sin at the cross and of the final judgment to be executed at the last day. We pray and sing those Psalms as anticipations of final judgment but we dare not try to guess now whom God has reprobated nor should be assign our earthly enemies the status of reprobate to eternal judgment. That’s God’s business not ours.

      Ours is to give our enemy our cloak and to walk with him two miles when he demands we go one. Ours is to pray for mercy and grace in this life. Our dearest hope is the Spirit would convict those who persecute us of their need for the Savior, give them new life and true faith.

      We ask the magistrate for an approximation of justice in this life but we should be very careful about asking God for justice in this life or we might get it.

      We pray and sing imprecatory psalms against our own sins and cry out for justice for the opporessed but the time for enemy crushing was under Moses and shall come again, at the last day, but this is not that day.

    • Isn’t “Thy Kingdom Come” is an imprecation in itself? What about HC123? What about Jesus pronouncing woes on unrepentant cities? What about praying, “Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus?” (Rev 22:20) What about Revelation 8:4? Dennis Johnson’s commentary reads,

      From the same alter the angel fills the censer with fire, and he throws it to the earth. The imagery is powerful: Christians’ prayers are integral to the downfall of the gospel’s enemies.

      That settles it. Nothing can stop my imprecations! ahahahahahahaha

      • Walt,

        1. We are not Christ, God the Son incarnate. Our instructions are to turn the other cheek etc not pray down earthly judgment.

        2. No, “thy kingdom come” is not an imprecation. To be sure, it is a call to overthrow, in the last day, the kingdoms of this world and all that opposes Christ and his kingdom, that kingdom, the Kingdom of God is a transcendent, heavenly kingdom that is manifested in the preaching of the law and the gospel and the administration of the holy sacraments. It is not manifested in civil power.

        3. Dennis is quite right but good Amillennialist that he is, he’s talking about the final judgment, not a this-worldly judgment prior to the advent of Christ.

        4. Attempts to make imprecation this-worldly are evidence of an over-realized eschatology.

  6. Jesus concerning the cities which would fare worse than Sodom and Gommorah, Paul cursing the blacksmith Alexander in 2 Timothy I believe and the Revelation saints in chapter 5.

  7. Your seeking to be more pious than Christ, Paul and the Revelation saints is revealing your pietism, hehehehe, I am joking.

  8. Scott,

    Thanks for your reply.
    1. Why can’t we follow a “carrot and stick” approach or some sort of “if – then-else” approach? It seems we want to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us but there may be occasion for imprecations as Bob Godfrey explains here. I definitely think I should be cautious in praying for justice because I just might get it. However, I think I’d have to throw out the whole Psalter and ignore aspects of God’s character to never pray imprecations. Bob Godfrey’s explanation makes the most sense to me.

    2. “Civil power” was not on my mind when I wrote this. I think you think I’m some sort of theocrat or theonomist. This is far from the truth.

    3. I am referring to page 142 of “Triumph of the Lamb.” The passage is confusing because Johnson says the trumpet judgments inflict damage that is limited in scope compared to the bowl judgments which are universal (pg 140). Re-reading it, I see your point. Thanks.

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