Easter is a busy season for pastors so I am filling for Chris today on a special episode of AGR. It is Good Friday and I thought it would be good to think a bit about that expression, “Good Friday.” What an odd expression! After all, beginning very early in the morning on his last Friday on earth, on the day before the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath, he was unjustly arrested—he had committed no crime—by Roman soldiers, mocked, hit, judged by Annas and Caiaphas the high priest, abandoned by Peter, who said that he would never leave Jesus, and then taken to Pontius Pilate, the pagan Roman governor to be condemned. Mocked and beaten, he was finally forced to carry his own cross up the hill until he could carry it no longer and then he was crucified.
That hardly sounds like a Good Friday but appearances can be deceiving and that’s what we need to think about today.
Here is the episode.
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Thanks for this wonderful Good Friday message. It truly was a good Friday, when God made good His promise to send the Savior who would fulfill God’s promise to send the second Adam who would defeat Satan on behalf of God’s people. His kingdom was not of this world. Jesus was no social justice warrior with a social gospel of liberation from the Romans as Pilate affirms when he finds no fault in Him, which was the charge that had been brought against Christ by the Pharisees. Christ did not advocate a dual mission of social activism and spiritual salvation. He had a singleness of purpose, to save His people from their sin.
Thanks for your faithfulness Dr. Clark!