Millions of Christians gather every week to hear sermons preached, we trust, from God’s Word. Believers read and study it. Pastors and elders study it but we do not always agree about how to understand it. How often have you heard someone say, “Well, that’s your interpretation” as if there are as many possible interpretations of a passage as there are interpreters? Dennis Johnson is Professor emeritus of practical theology at Westminster Seminary California where he taught for 36 years and from which he recently retired. For his entire ministry he has been concerned with the interpretation of Scripture as a student, as a pastor, as a professor of New Testament and then as a professor of Practical Theology, teaching men how to preach the whole counsel of God from all the Scriptures. His latest book is Journeys With Jesus: Every Path In the Bible Leads Us To Christ (2018), a brief introduction to the way that the Apostles themselves read the Scriptures and a guide to to help you to learn to read the Bible the same way.
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