Therefore we approved the judgment of Lactantius [c.250–325], and ancient writer, who says: “Undoubtedly no religion exists where there is an image.”
We also assert that the blessed bishop Epiphanius [c.315–403] did right when, finding on the doors of a church a veil on which was painted a picture supposedly of Christ or some saint, he ripped it down and took it away, because to see a picture of a man hanging in the Church of Christ was contrary to the authority of Scripture. Wherefore he charged that from henceforth no such veils, which were contrary to our religion, should be hung in the Church of Christ, and that rather such questionable things, unworthy of the Church of Christ and the faithful people, should be removed. Moreover, we approve of this opinion of St. Augustine [354–430] concerning true religion: “Let not the worship of the works of men be a religion for us. For the artists themselves who make such things are better; yet we ought not to worship them” (De Vera Religione, cap. 55).
Second Helvetic Confession, ch. 4 (1566).
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