I just renewed the contract with the web hosting company. This reminds me of three things: 1) Thank you to those of you who support the HB faithfully. I realize that it’s been a while since I’ve produced an episode of the Heidelcast. It will be back. I have been focused on trying to complete the commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism. 2) If you benefit from the HB, e.g., you’ve used the contact page to ask a question, to request help with research, to help you find links etc please consider helping with the cost of the HB. 3) Some years back I decided not to go the 501 (c) 3 route. Thus, donations to the HB are not, as far as I know, tax-deductible. This is a small operation (with amazing help donated by the wizard of web). The good news is that, because there is no organization to support, I do not pester you with emails and surface mails for financial support. The bad news is that there is no research staff etc. I am happy to hear from you but please bear in mind that I receive a large number of emails daily. I get to them as I can.
Here’s your opportunity to speak up about the future of the HB. If you like the HB the way it is, great. If you’re willing to support the HB (hire staff etc). Take the poll below and let me know.
The coin in the coffer will ring when RS Clark another Heidelcast will bring. But until then I will listen to Office Hours’ The Clarity of Scripture and cough up a coin.
I like the Heidelblog. But am just a student. I do pray for R. Scort Clark and his readers but for now I cannot do much.
I want the HB to grow.
Thank you for your prayers Clinton. I’m grateful.
“The world does not need another non-profit organization”? – I sincerely hope that I am not in a position to speak for the world!
Everything’s real good, except I think HB should serve Heidel-coffee and donuts each morning supported via a tip jar…
But wait… just had a quick day-dream thought (which can be dangerous). Organize a first time Heidelfest as a possible once a year get-together! Meals catered by Chick-fil-A…
and cake baked in Ireland by Ashers Baking Company and flown over.
Jack has a great idea! I’m in! Heidelfest!