Office Hours: Wisdom In Preaching

Office HoursOur Lord Jesus worked miracles but he was also a preacher. He came “preaching the Gospel of God and saying ‘The time is fulfilled,’ and ‘Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the gospel’” (Mark 1:15). People marveled at his power and his wisdom. Our Lord himself said that his wisdom, which was reflected in his preaching, was greater Solomon’s. Luke says that Stephen’s preaching was so full of the Spirit and wisdom that his opponents could not resist it. In its very nature, preaching is a bold act. A man stands in the pulpit to exposit an ancient text, sometimes extemporaneously, in a late-modern, highly sensitive context. Certainly contemporary preachers are no less in need of wisdom today than were  the apostolic company. Julius Kim joins us to think with us about wisdom in preaching.

Here is the interview.

Here is season 6: To Know Wisdom.

Here are all the Office Hours episodes.

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    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
    Author Image

    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

    More by R. Scott Clark ›

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  1. I’d just like to pass on another way to help spread the gospel and it’s simply this:-

    Include a link to an online gospel tract (e.g. as part of your email signature.

    An email signature is a piece of customizable HTML or text that most email applications will allow you to add to all your outgoing emails. For example, it commonly contains name and contact details – but it could also (of course) contain a link to a gospel tract.

    For example, it might say something like, “p.s. you might like this gospel cartoon …” or “p.s. have you seen this?”.

    • Hi Henry,

      I watched the video. It was better than I anticipated but it’s still got some problems.

      1. It arguably violates the 2nd commandment by visually depicting God the Son incarnate. This was the consensus of the church until the 8th century and the Reformed & Presbyterian churches continue to confess that it is sin to depict visually God the Son incarnate.

      2. The graphics are ok but a little cheesy.

      3. I appreciate the prosecution of the “nice guy.” That was well done but it suffers from many other typically evangelical presentations of the gospel. It has an ex opere quality to it: pray this, do that, and then this. It’s not that what is said is exactly wrong but there are important things omitted. I don’t think ecclesiology can be omitted. “Find a good church” is a start but it’s not enough. Organizations such as Cameron’s can’t say, “here’s what a good church looks like” or better, “here are the marks of a true church” yet this is what needs to happen.

      As attractive as such cartoons may be isn’t the gospel and aren’t our neighbors better served by Christians, who are committed to true churches, speaking to their neighbors about the gospel and praying for their neighbors personally?

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