The news is filled with comments made by people who knew the Boston Marathon bombers that they were “nice”, regular people. They cannot believe that the Tsarnaev brothers could be violent. This is not the first time we have heard such observations, but there is an added dimension. What happened was not just violence, but jihad.
By jihad I mean “kill the Kafir” (non-Muslim), not the spiritual struggle that the apologists for Islam like to bring up. To be fair, there is a mention of jihad as spiritual struggle, but it is insignificant. As one measure, Bukhari collected the most important traditions of Mohammed called Hadith. Out of 7000 of these traditions, about 1500 of them are about jihad. Of these 1500 jihad hadiths, over 1400 are about “kill the Kafir” jihad and only a few or so are about jihad as spiritual struggle. This indicates Mohammed thought that jihad as war was much more important than jihad as spiritual struggle. Read more»
Bill Warner
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Fair enough, but if NRA logic is right then Islam doesn’t kill people, people do. But I’d rather give credit to Calvinism for that than to LaPierre.
A firearm is an instrument. Islam is a religion (which is, in part, a motivation for action) built on oppression and violence.
The standard history of religions text on Islam, written in the 1960s by a Pakistani Muslim scholar and quite sympathetic to the Qur’an (but less so to the Haditha) tells a brutal story regarding “The Prophet.” Warren is telling the truth. No firearm ever motivated anyone to do anything but Islam’s historical practice of Jihad, beginning with The Prophet—about whom, by the way, when we apply the same critical standards that the liberals applied to Scripture in the 19th and 20th century, there is precious little extrinsic evidence—illustrates and evidences the theology, piety, and violent practice of the Qur’an.