Classic Reformed Texts in English Translation

prepared by Patrick J. O’ Banion M A. (Westminster Seminary California), 2001

Orthodox Reformed Writers Available in the Early English Books

(all reel numbers are from the 1475-1640 series unless otherwise noted)


    1. The beloved city: the saints reign on earth for
      1,000 years asserted and illustrated
      – Reel #
      [1641-1700 series] 243:E.90, no.9 (1643)
    2. Templum musicum: Compendium of the mathematical
      and practical elements of music
      – # [1641-1700
      series] 198:9 (1664)


    1. An account of the life of Valentinus Gentilis
      (the tritheist executed at Bern) – Reel # [1641-1700
      series] 883:20 (1696)


    1. A brief declaration of the chief points of
      Christian religion set forth in a table
      – Reel #173
    2. Christian mediations upon eight psalms – #411
    3. A brief and pithy sum of the Christian faith
      – #451 (1565?); #279 (1589)
    4. A discourse of the true and visible marks of the
      catholic church
      – #411 (1582?); #1537 (1622, 1623)
    5. A discourse containing the life and death of John
      – #173 (1564); #451 (1578)
    6. Patched pelagianism – #642 (1578)
    7. Job expounded (with Ecclesiastes) – #279
    8. On the three-fold order of bishops – #279
    9. A little catechism – #411 (1578, 1579); #1807
    10. Sermons on the first three chapters of the
      Canticle of Canticles
      – #279 (1587)
    11. An oration made at the nunnery of Poyssy(?) –
      #1195 (1561); #174 (1562)
    12. The pope’s cannons: wherein the masters of the
      Sorbonne are confuted
      – #452 & 174 (1585)
    13. The Psalms of David truly opened and explained
      – #1470 (1580); #452 (1590)
    14. A book of Christian questions and answers
      #1537 (1574); #452 (1578); #1721 (1586)
    15. Treatise on the plague – #377 (1580)
    16. A tragedy of Abraham’s sacrifice – #174
    17. The treasure of truth: touching the ground work
      of man’s salvation and the chief points of the Christian
      – #452 (1576)


    1. Institutions of the Christian religion –
      Reel #646? & 704 (1606)


    1. Concerning the refusal to wear apparel – Reel #181
    2. Gratulations to the church of England – #29 (1549)
    3. Exposition of “Woe be to the world” in St. Matthew –
      #487 (1566)
    4. On the distribution of Alms – #309 (1557?)
    5. On divorce – [1641-1700 series] #228:E4, no. 19


    1. The Christian State of Matrimony – Reel # 29
      (1543); #61 (1543 [46?]); #1892 (1548?); #1266 (1552);
      #183 (1552); #1747 (1552); #283 (1575)
    2. Commentary upon the second epistle to the
      – #29 (1538)
    3. Common places of Christian religion – #453
    4. Decades #183 (1577); #184 (1587)
    5. A wholesome antidote against the pestilent heresy
      of Anabaptists
      – #29 (1548)
    6. One hundred sermons on the Apocalypse – #184
    7. Treatise on minister’s clothing – #198 (1566)
    8. Judgments on certain matters of religion
      #184 (1566)
    9. Sermon on the Lord’s Supper – #1164? (1577)
    10. Discourse on the worthiness of scripture
      #487 (1579)
    11. Defense of infant baptism – #184 (1551)
    12. Of the end of the world and the judgment to come
      – #184 (1577)
    13. The old faith; an evident probation out of the
      holy scripture
      – #99 (1547); #951 (1580)
    14. The sum of the four evangelists – #412 (1582)
    15. The tragedies of tyrants exercised upon the
      – #185 (1572)
    16. Concerning magistrates and the obedience of
      – #28 (1549)


    1. A diaglogue of witches – Reel #283 (1575)
    2. Commentary on the minor prophets – #493
    3. Preface to his I Timothy commentary – #213
    4. Treatise on the AntiChrist – #213 & 1513
    5. True and Christian friendship – #922 (1586)
    6. The wonderful workmanship of the world (on
      natural philosophy) – #379 (1578)

Hyperius (listed under Gerardus, Andreas):

    1. The course of Christianity (as touching the
      daily reading and mediation of the scriptures) – Reel
      #888 (1579)
    2. The foundation of Christian religion – #1486
    3. The practice of preaching (how to frame a sermon)
      – #295, 1306 (1577)
    4. The regiment of poverty (how parishes may provide
      for the poor)
      – #295 (1572)
    5. A treatise of God’s providence and of comforts
      against calamities
      – #1024 (1588?)
    6. The true trial and examination of a man’s own
      – #1817 (1587)
    7. Two common places out of Hyperius (on
      astrology and the power of demons/ magic) – Reel not at
      WTSCal (1581)

Junius (Listed under Du Jon, François):

    1. The Apocalypse of St. John – Reel #289
      (1596); #218 (1592)
    2. Certain letters – #1234 (1602)


    1. Heavenly knowledge (A manducation to theology)
      – Reel #802 (1622); #1729 (1625)

du Moulin:

    1. The accomplishment of the prophecies (against
      Bellarmine and Coeffeteau) – Reel #1136 (1613)
    2. The anatomy of Arminianism – #1412 (1620,
      1626); #1377 (1635)
    3. The antibarbarian (showing the clauses of the
      mass which would offend people if they understood them)

      – #989 (1629)
    4. Apology for the Lord’s Supper (against
      – #1063 (1611)
    5. The buckler of the faith (a defence of the
      confession of faith of the reformed churches in France)

      – #1064 (1619); #1513 (1623); #1064 (1636)
    6. Coals from the altar (four religious treatises) –
      #1095 (1622)
    7. A treatise on the knowledge of God – #1095
    8. A defense of the catholic faith – #727 (1610)
    9. The elements of logic – #1095 (1624)
    10. Hereclitus (on the vanity and misery of human
      – #1064 (1609); #15 (1624)
    11. Treatise on the Jesuits’ shifts and evasions
      – #1064 (1623)
    12. A learned treatise of traditions – #1201
    13. Oppositions of the word of God – #1064 (1610)
    14. Oration in praise of divinity – #1095 (1640)
    15. A preparation to suffer for the gospell
      #577 (1623)
    16. The right way to heaven (prayers and meditations)
      – #1064 (1630)
    17. Theophilus or love divine – #1095 (1610)
    18. The encounter between Du Moulin and de Balzac
      – #1095 (1636)


    1. Common places of Christian religion – Reel
      #386 (1563, 1578)
    2. Of the lawful and unlawful usury amongst
      – #557 (1556?)
    3. The temporiser (he that changes with the time)
      – Reel not at WTSCal but a French translation is
      available: #1577 (1550)


    1. An exposition of the symbol of the apostles
      Reel#328 (1581)


    1. Treatise on man’s justification – Reel #598


    1. The substance of Christian religion – Reel
      not at WTSCal (1594); Reel #1580 may contain a copy of
      the English translation, but I believe that it is an
      enlarged edition of the Latin.
    2. Concerning God’s eternal predestination
      #1554 (1599)


    1. Disputation against the adoration of the relics
      of saints – #1554 (1611)

de la Roche Chandieu (Listed as La Roch de Chandieu,

    1. Meditations on the 32nd psalm
      #712 (1579)
    2. Treatise on the Word of God – #1709 (1583)


    1. A brief institution of the common places of sacred
      divinity – #1158 (1610)


    1. Certain learned discourses (For explanation
      of difficult points in his catechism) – Reel #582 (1613)
    2. Discourse on keeping the Sabbath – #1612
    3. The sum of Christian religion (lectures on
      the Heidelberg) – #364 (1587, 1591); #1368 (1589); #1499
      (1611); #1561 (1617)


    1. A brief and most excellent exposition of the 12
      ariticles of our faith commonly called the Apostle’s
      – Reel not available at WTSCal (1578)
    2. Judgments on the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
      – Reel #157 (1550)
    3. An epistle to the Duke of Sommerset – #157
    4. The common places – #366 (1582)
    5. Commentary on the Book of Judges – #367 &
      1673 (1584)
    6. Most godly prayers compiled out of David’s Psalms
      – #1223 (1569)
    7. Commentary on Romans – #367 (1568)

Virellius (Listed under Virel, Matthieu):

    1. The principal grounds of Christian religion –
      Reel #1533 (1594)


    1. Against the popish mass – Reel #1588 (1584)
    2. The Christian disputation – #1645 (1579)
    3. A Christian instrutction – #1534 (1573)
    4. On the Lord’s prayer – #1499 (1582)
    5. An exposition of the 12 articles in the Apostle’s
      – #158 (1548)
    6. The world possessed with devils (three dialogues)
      – #1737 (1583)


    1. Spiritual marriage – Reel #1615 (1592)
    2. Confession of the Christian faith – #471
    3. Speculum Christianum (or a Christian survey for
      the conscience)
      – #1577 (1614)

High Orthodox Writers Available in
Early English Books

(from the 1641-1700 series)


    1. Antidote against careless indifference in
      matters of religion
      – Reel # 748:33 (1698)

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
    Author Image

    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

    More by R. Scott Clark ›

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