7 Reasons Why P & R Churches Should Send Missionaries to Poland

Reaching Poland is critical to mission work in both western and eastern Europe. Yet Reformed Christians have ignored this reality for years and have neglected to send missionaries to this large European country. My goal here is to make the case for Poland’s importance to confessional Reformed/Presbyterian mission work and provoke a discussion concerning the issue.  Read more»

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  1. Dear Clark,
    What a great topic! My wife and I are moving to Poland (Warsaw, the capital) in January of 2013 and I was searching for some R & P churches but I didn’t managed to find any, unfortunately!
    If you happen to find out that there are some in Poland, could you please inform me!
    Much grace!

    • Hi,

      See our website and contact our pastor Benjamin Layer. We have reformed viewpoint. In warsaw there are some pretty biblical churches. There are many places in Poland which are cheaper than capitol and there is not any biblical church. It will be little difficult to preach the calvinism in our country – the biggest denomination in Poland is Penetecostal Church and some weird charismatic branches. Iknow that disscusion between calvinists and arminians in our churches is really big problem. Alike disscusion about charismatic gifts. In our country there is about 25 -30 000 christians. I am not counting lutheran and evangelical aughsburg churches. I think it is one of the worst situation in europe nowdays .

      All the best


  2. Welcome back, Dr. Clark.

    I have been reading a lot of Maccovius lately from “Scholastic Discourse” that Apeldoorn put out. It is neat that you posted this.

    I look forward to keeping up with your blog.

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