I don’t use the word “hero” lightly or often. Guido de Bres (1522-67) was a hero. He was flesh and blood, a sinner like the rest of us, but unlike most of us, despite his sins and failings, he did remarkable things to advance the Christian faith under great distress. Now comes an opportunity to introduce him to our children through a new book.
We’ve been blessed recently with a number of good children’s books about historical figures. One of these blessings is William Boekstein’s children’s book, Faithfulness Under Fire: The Story of Guido de Bres (you can also order this book from The Bookstore at Westminster Seminary California by calling 760-735-2665). Handsomely Illustrated by Evan Hughes, this is an excellent introduction to one of the true heroes of the Reformed church, the author of the Belgic Confession (1561), Guido de Bres. Parents will want to read this book to younger children but children in the upper primary grades should be able to read it for themselves.
It’s a wonderful thing for children to learn that they are part of a great family of believers that stretches back hundreds, even thousands of years. After reading this book, when they read or hear the Belgic Confession, they’ll know that it comes from a man who did not just talk about the faith but who gave his life for it.
Rev Boekstein is a URCNA pastor in Carbondale, PA. He blogs at LifeReformation.
HT: Nic Laz.