Here is the audio from Bob Godfrey’s annual fall convocation chapel message. It was a stirring message on confidence in Scripture as God’s inerrant and infallible Word. (link corrected)
Here is the audio from Bob Godfrey’s annual fall convocation chapel message. It was a stirring message on confidence in Scripture as God’s inerrant and infallible Word. (link corrected)
Dr. Law/Gospel,
This is classic Bob and should be streamed in video. We are missing so much of the message by not being able to see his non-verbal communication … i.e. peering over his glasses. Video would be a great enhancement!
The Lunchbox
Dear Lunch,
We’re working on it.
The link is fixed
Thanks. I see that now. I’ve let the powers that be know.
The MP3 is no good. Same problem at the WSC site.