it’s out in April (900+ pages!). Here’s the publisher’s description:
Michael Horton’s highly anticipated The Christian Faith represents his magnum opus and will be viewed as one of—if not the—most important systematic theologies since Louis Berkhof wrote his in 1932.
A prolific, award-winning author and theologian, Professor Horton views this volume as “doctrine that can be preached, experienced, and lived, as well as understood, clarified, and articulated.” It is written for a growing cast of pilgrims making their way together and will be especially welcomed by professors, pastors, students, and armchair theologians.
Features of this volume include: (1) a brief synopsis of biblical passages that inform a particular doctrine; (2) surveys of past and current theologies with contemporary emphasis on exegetical, philosophical, practical, and theological questions; (3) substantial interaction with various Christian movements within the Protestant, Catholic and Orthodoxy traditions, as well as the hermeneutical issues raised by postmodernity; and (4) charts, sidebars, questions for discussion, and an extensive bibliography, divided into different entry levels and topics. (HT: Tullian Tchividjian)
Dr. Clark,Could you get us an update on this. Amazon says the title is coming out in October of 2010 but I’ve just noticed that the Zondervan page has now moved the release date to January 2011. Do you know what’s up? Can you get a confirmation from Dr. Horton and post an update? Thanks.
Last I heard was Jan ’11.
Hey Scott, any news on this? April’s been and gone and I need to know when it’s the right time to sell my grandmother to buy the book.
It’s out in October, I think.
I have read and studied through Berkhof time after time, so it is always my standard in Systematics and a few other ones, Grudem, frame, van til, etc. I’m really waiting for a systematic by Gordon Fee or Simon Chan, who are both Pentecostal Scholars! I will read Horton before judging the his book by the cover(though it sounds great!).
BTW you haven’t answered my question concerning 1 Corinthians 14:37-40 and Sola Scriputura:
“Funny… What is so funny about obeying the commandments of the Lord?
Are you saying that these guys are infallible then? Only Scripture alone is infallible and those guys recognized that! In practice Dr. Clark you are taking clear passages like 1 Corinthians 14:37-40 like it’s not a closed canon and that these passages on the Gifts shouldn’t be obeyed. Rome does the same thing and has made a mess of Sola Fide.
Your argument is stupid if I can use the word, because it’s against clear commands of Pauline theology. Only bad scholarship of men can mess than up and cause others to rebel against the Lord. Dr. Clark, do you lack knowledge of Church history? I don’t think that you do and if you don’t know it you’d probably have more resources and people at your fingertips to consult for that specific information. But here is something simple, if the church can loose and than rediscover biblical doctrines like Luther did on Justification by faith alone. Then draw that same simple idea to other doctrines like the Gifts of the Spirit with its commandments in 1 Cor 14.
Are we supposed to obey 1 Corinthians 14:37-40 or not? All you could write me was outside information in the last post. Which is good info, but it’s not leading me to obedience in this clear command. My other reason is, I really want to see if you believe in a closed canon of the Word of God or are you going to take this passage out with an ugly form of dispensationalism.
In Christ alone,
it might be good for you to look a bit more carefully at the cessationist argument before pronouncing judgments on what constitutes bad scholarship and rebellion against God’s word. Not everything can be proven by simply quoting one or two texts of Scripture, or it wouldn’t have taken 400+ years to nail down the doctrine of the Trinity or the Incarnation.
But a few brief things one might suggest:
a) do you believe that apostles continue today, or that the office has ceased? If the latter, which verse do you turn to? If the former… well, too many questions need to be asked ;b
b) Eph 2:20 implies the apostles and prophets are the foundation. That foundation was being laid in the first century before the NT canon was completed. Are we still laying that foundation, or are we building on top of it?
c) Heb 1:1-2 contrasts the former time characterized by prophets and the last days the superiority and ultimacy of the revelation in the Son. If we have ultimacy, what is the role of regular prophecy today?
d) What do they prophecy? Are they fortune-tellers feeding our narcissism, or are they speaking of Christ (cf. 1Pet 1:10-12)? Will they reveal anything new about the Son (in which case why shouldn’t it be made Scripture?) or are they saying what Scripture already says (in which case why are they needed over the ordinary ministry of the Word)?
I’m surprised Derek Thomas would talk like that
LOL! You know those Welshmen when they get animated.
Unbelievable! Does he ever sleep?
When does Dr. Horton have the time to write all these books? Seriously now . . .
RSC: Hey, MH is 2 young for an MO. Then again, when he’s that prolific … 🙂
Just in time for my birthday!
If I was to choose anyone to write a ST, Horton would be right there at the top (along with D.A Carson!). I am absolutely salivating. Role on April 2010!